Generating Nets for Random Convex Polyhedra
Sunny Wang
Generating Nets for Random Convex Polyhedra
This program creates non-overlapping nets for random polyhedra by extracting graphs, creating spanning trees, generating all nets, and removing those with overlap.
Essays, Posts & Presentations
3D Modeling, Visualizations, Graphs, Polyhedra, Nets
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Generating Nets for Random Convex Polyhedra
Generating Nets for Random Convex Polyhedra
Sunny Wang
Jeremy Stratton-Smith, Chip Hurst
This project is a visualization of Shephard’s conjecture, which states that every convex polyhedron admits a self-nonoverlapping unfolding. The conjecture remains unsolved to this day. Currently, there exists unfolding data for several predefined polyhedra in the Wolfram Language, and my goal is to create a function that can do this for any random convex polyhedron. I chose this project because of my love for origami and art, and my interest in 3D visualization.
Generating a graph for the faces of the polyhedron
Generating a graph for the faces of the polyhedron
The first step was to create a graph that captures the relationship between faces of the polyhedron so that it could be used later to generate the net. The built-in function DualPolyhedron converts the polyhedron to one where each vertex corresponds to a face on the original. I then extracted the vertices of the dual polyhedron and partitioned and sorted them, allowing me to create a graph using those vertices.
ClearAll[polyhedronfacegraph];polyhedronfacegraph[polyhedron_]:= Block[{dualpolyhedron, vertexlist, vertexpairings, sortedvertices}, dualpolyhedron = DualPolyhedron[polyhedron]; vertexlist = dualpolyhedron[[2]]; vertexpairings = Flatten[Table[Append[ Partition[vertexlist[[n]], 2, 1], {Last[vertexlist[[n]]], First[vertexlist[[n]]]}], {n, 1, Length[vertexlist]}], 1]; sortedvertices = Sort /@ vertexpairings // DeleteDuplicates; Graph[UndirectedEdge@@@sortedvertices,VertexLabels -> "Name"] ]
A random polyhedron :
The graph of the dual of the polyhedron:
Creating a Function for Generating Spanning Trees
Creating a Function for Generating Spanning Trees
I then used the graph to generate different paths in which a polyhedron could unfold. One way to do this is by using a spanning tree, a tree generated from a graph that retains the same vertices while having the minimum amount of edges. This essentially creates a simple version of what the final net should look like. Each vertex represents a face, and edges between them signify that they are adjacent. It is important to note that not every spanning tree will correspond to a non-overlapping net, which is why I generate a spanning tree from every possible vertex.
Iterate through every vertex as a possible starting point.
ClearAll[generatetrees];generatetrees[graph_] := Table[FindSpanningTree[{graph, n}], {n, 1, VertexCount[graph]}]
Several spanning trees for the polyhedron:
Generating coordinates of the net of the polyhedron
Generating coordinates of the net of the polyhedron
To create the net of the polyhedron, I had to implement an unfolding algorithm. My first approach was to extract each face individually, but that ended up complicating the transformations. My final algorithm consisted of applying one transformation to move one face to the x-y plane, then unfolding using connections between vertices from the spanning tree.
I first created a function to find the normal vector to a plane using the cross product.
ClearAll[normvector];normvector[coords_] := Cross[coords[[2]] - coords[[1]], coords[[3]] - coords[[1]]];
Using transformation matrices, I rotated the polyhedron so that one face is lying on the x-y plane. I used the function RotationTransform to rotate the normal vector of the face so that it is flat on the plane, and use TranslationTransform to move it to the correct place. The transformed mesh is converted into a list of its primitives. The next step is to begin unfolding the polyhedron from its bottom face using the list of spanning trees. To perform the unfolding on the polyhedron, I use the function BreadthFirstScan, which calls unfold (discussed next) on each newly discovered vertex. Finally, the function returns a list of coordinates of the completed net.
ClearAll[generatenetcoords];generatenetcoords[mesh_, tree_]:= Block{transformations, transformedmesh, meshlist, transformedmeshlist, normals, polygonfaces, transformedrotation}, polygonfaces = Reap meshlist = MeshPrimitives[mesh, 2][[All, 1]]; transformations = RotationTransform[{normvector[meshlist[[1]]], {0, 0, -1}}] @* TranslationTransform[-PropertyValue[{mesh, {2, 1}}, MeshCellCentroid]]; transformedmesh = TransformedRegion[mesh, transformations]; transformedmeshlist = MeshPrimitives[transformedmesh, 2][[All, 1]]; normals = normvector[#] &/@ transformedmeshlist; Sow[transformedmeshlist[[1]], "flat"]; transformedrotation[1] = TransformationFunction[IdentityMatrix[4]]; BreadthFirstScan[tree, 1, "DiscoverVertex" -> unfold[transformedmeshlist, normals, transformedrotation]];, {"flat"}[[-1, All, 1]]; Chop[polygonfaces]
The unfold function operates by finding the coordinates of the shared edge using Intersection, calculating the angle between them using DihedralAngle, and applying transformations using their normal vectors to unfold the face. Each vertex inherits the rotation transformations of its parent nodes in the tree, resulting in composed rotations, and allowing each “branch” of the net to effectively move together in each iteration. This simulates how a physical unfolding would operate. The function returns coordinates of the transformed polygons.
ClearAll[unfold];unfold[meshlist_, normals_, transformedrotation_][u_, v_, _] /; (u =!= v) := Block{edgecoord1, edgecoord2, angle, rotation}, {edgecoord1, edgecoord2} = Intersection @@ meshlist{u, v}; angle = DihedralAngle[{edgecoord1, edgecoord2}, normals〚{u, v}〛]; rotation = RotationTransform[angle, edgecoord2 - edgecoord1, Mean[{edgecoord1, edgecoord2}]]; transformedrotation[u] = transformedrotation[v]@*rotation; Sow[transformedrotation[u] @ meshlist〚u〛, "flat"];
Generating a list of all possible nets
Generating a list of all possible nets
To test for overlap in the final net, I create a function testforoverlap to calculate the surface area of the original polyhedron and compare it to the surface area of the net. The function returns a true or false statement.
testforoverlap[polyhedron_, netcoords_] := Block{surfacearea, netsurfacearea}, surfacearea = SurfaceArea[polyhedron]; netsurfacearea = RegionMeasure[RegionUnion[Polygon /@ netcoords]]; Return[surfacearea netsurfacearea];
Finally, I put all the functions together in generateallnets iterates through every spanning tree to produce nets using netcoordinates. Since the third element of each coordinate in the net is zero, it is deleted to convert the net to 2D. Each net is then tested using testforoverlap. Only nets where the two surface areas are equal are appended to the list that is returned.
ClearAll[generateallnets];generateallnets[polyhedron_] := Block[{netcoords, trees, graph, mesh, surfacearea, netsurfacearea, goodnets}, mesh = BoundaryDiscretizeGraphics[polyhedron]; graph = polyhedronfacegraph[polyhedron]; trees = generatetrees[graph]; goodnets = {}; Table[ netcoords = First@generatenetcoords[mesh, trees[[treeposition]]]; netcoords = Table[Delete[netcoords[[n, m]], {3}], {n, 1, Length[netcoords]}, {m, 1, 3}]; If[testforoverlap[polyhedron, netcoords] True, AppendTo[goodnets, Graphics[{Hue[0.94, 0.22, 1.], EdgeForm[{Thin, Pink}], Polygon /@ netcoords}]] ];, {treeposition, 1, Length[trees]} ]; Row[{Graphics3D[polyhedron], goodnets}]]
Upon taking a polyhedron object in as its argument, generateallnets returns a 3D graphic of the original polyhedron and a list of all possible nets.
Generating all nets of the polyhedron:
With the help of my mentor, I was able to create a program that creates non-overlapping nets for random polyhedra. The process consisted of extracting graphs, creating spanning trees, generating nets, and checking for overlap. The function returns several successful results for every random polyhedron that I tested, although the program does run quite slowly for polyhedra with high numbers of faces, as the complexity of the graph and number of spanning trees increase drastically as the number of faces increase. From this project, I acquired knowledge of many aspects of three-dimensional modeling and geometric transformations.
Future work
Future work
One possible extension would be applying a similar algorithm to non convex polyhedra and showing that it is impossible to generate a non overlapping net in some cases. Additionally, optimization algorithms could also be implemented to speed up the unfolding process. For example, another function could also be created to generate the first net that is valid, which would greatly increase speed if only one net is desired.
I would like to sincerely thank my mentor, Jeremy Stratton-Smith, for providing advice and help throughout the entire project process. I would also like to thank Chip Hurst for his unfolding algorithm and tips for 3D transformations. Lastly, I would like to thank the Wolfram Summer Camp team for providing me with this opportunity to pursue a project of my choice.
Cite this as: Sunny Wang, "Generating Nets for Random Convex Polyhedra" from the Notebook Archive (2019),